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Celtic Rathskallions Store

The Celtic Rathskallions offer music, educational guides, books and instruments to get young (and older) music lovers playing.
All Around The Circle

All Around the Circle

Featuring Wendy Moore, Paul Mills and Arthur McGregor. Also on the album: Maddie’s Moon story, narrated and set to music.

A Tune for Maddie

By Wendy Moore, illustrations by Janis Jones. Rathskallion Publications. In this sequel to Maddie’s Moon, also set in Ireland, Maddie discovers the harp. Her new found love of the harp leaders her to unexpected opportunities for kindness and generosity. Printed in Canada.

Maddie's Moon

Maddie’s Moon

This fully illustrated storybook is about a young girl who wants to play the whistle. It is written by Wendy Moore with illustrations by Janis Jones. Musicians include David Archibald (narration), Wendy Moore (whistle, bodhran) and Doug Reansbury (guitar).

Whistle Method

Maddie’s Beginner Whistle Method

A new instructional book from Ottawa Folklore Centre Publications. Maddie’s Beginner Whistle Method includes Maddie’s Whistle Guide along with more than 30 popular Celtic tunes, plus guitar chords. A companion play-along CD is included, with all tunes played slowly, accompanied by guitar. A wonderful way for both kids and adults to learn.

Clarke Sweetone Whistle

Tin Whistle & Maddie’s Whistle Guide

A Clarke Sweetone whistle in the key of D together with Maddie’s Whistle Guide, a laminated fingering chart and a few tunes to get you started!