

Maddie's MoonMaddie’s Moon

By Wendy Moore, illustrations by Janis Jones, Ottawa Folklore Centre Publications

This fully illustrated storybook is about a young girl who plays the tin whistle and encompasses the themes of bravery and following your dreams. In the sequel story (below), Maddie plays the harp and this story explores the themes of understanding and generousity. Printed in Canada. Click the arrow to listen to the audio version of the story.

A Tune for Maddie

By Wendy Moore / Illustrations by Janis Jones / Rathskallion Publications. In this sequel to Maddie’s Moon, also set in Ireland, Maddie discovers the harp. Her new found love of the harp leaders her to unexpected opportunities for kindness and generosity. Printed in Canada.A Tune For Maddie

“Wendy Moore’s delightful “A Tune for Maddie” is a magical musical tale with a great love for the Irish folk tradtion from which it takes its spirit.” Sharon, Lois & Bram

“A Tune for Maddie is an enchanting story about hope, perseverance and the power of music to change the heart. Maddie is my hero. And her story makes me much more pleasantly disposed toward snakes, as well. Maddie reminds us that we are richer not for what we have but for what we give. Sheilagh Rogers, host of The Next Chapter on CBC Radio One

To order

Price is $14.95 for either book or $24.95 for Maddie’s Moon and A Tune for Maddie purchased together.